Empower enterprises’ cybersecurity with innovative AI technology
CyCraft is a cybersecurity company founded in 2017, focusing on integrating autonomous AI technology. CyCraft provides professional cybersecurity services to government agencies, banks, and high-tech manufacturers throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Receiving strong support from the CID Group and Pavilion Capital, CyCraft has also been recognized by Gartner, IDC, and Frost & Sullivan, and receives numerous awards locally and internationally. As a member of multinational cybersecurity organizations, CyCraft has been and will continue to dedicate itself to the development of the cybersecurity worldwide.
CyCraft has been dedicating to solve long-term cybersecurity issues with innovative AI technology. With rich experience and in-depth research on cybersecurity issues, we put AI and machine learning into practice and has developed the autonomous cybersecurity threat exposure management platform. By integrating fragmented cybersecurity scenarios and autonomous defense mechanisms, CyCraft provides comprehensive cybersecurity protection that empowers enterprises with profound cybersecurity resilience.
CEO and Co-founder
Benson is a co-founder of CyCraft. He has lectured many times at well-known cybersecurity conferences in Taiwan and abroad, including Black Hat, DEFCON, and HITCON. He has worked at institutions such as the National Information & Communication Security Taskforce of the Executive Yuan and the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation of Academia Sinica, Co-founder of Xecure Lab, general manager for the Taiwan region of the Israeli company Verint, and technical director at the U.S. company Armorize, Benson was awarded the 2020 ICT Month Outstanding ICT Elite Award.
CTO and Co-founder
Birdman is the founder of CyCraft. He is also a consultant for the Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HIT). As a cybersecurity technology research expert with more than 15 years of experience, Birdman's main research areas include the development of autonomous analysis systems, hacker activity analysis, malware analysis, and machine learning algorithms. He has presented his expert research in cybersecurity technology many times at internationally renowned conferences, famous for giving lively and entertaining lectures. Birdman co-founded Xecure Lab with Benson Wu in 2011, which was acquired by the NASDAQ-listed Israeli cybersecurity company Verint in 2014. Birdman's latest venture, CyCraft, focuses on integrating artificial intelligence and cybersecurity technology.
CISO and Co-founder
PK Tsung is a co-founder of CyCraft, specializing in cybersecurity analysis and forensic investigation. He currently serves as an executive supervisor of the Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HIT) and is a member of the Cybersecurity Committee at SEMI. Having worked in government agencies, PK is familiar with government affairs and related regulations. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of cybersecurity incident handling and cybercrime investigation and has long been researching topics related to advanced persistent threats (APTs). In recent years, he has devoted himself to research areas such as Internet of vehicles (IoV) security, cybersecurity data analysis, and AIoT, and has published experimental papers on the security of automotive ECUs. He has also chaired the HITCON review board for many years.
株式会社 CyCraft Japan(英語:CyCraft Japan Corporation)
2019 年 1 月 31 日
代表取締役社長 吳明蔚 (Benson Wu)
IDF (NPO Institute of Digital Forensics)
「デジタル・フォレンジック研究会」は、平成 16 年に法執行機関を始めとして、他の官公庁、民間企業において「デジタル・フォレンジック」の普及促進を図り、健全な IT 社会の実現に貢献するために設立され、特定非営利活動法人として認証されました。
NCA (Nippon CSIRT Association)
正式名称「一般社団法人日本コンピュータセキュリティインシデント対応チーム協議会」のことで、シーサート (CSIRT: Computer Security Incident Response Team) 間の緊密な連携を図り、シーサートにおける課題解決に貢献するための組織です。
FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams)
世界中の CSIRT 同士の情報交換やインシデントレスポンス業務の協力関係を構築する目的で 1990 年に米国 CERT/CC などが中心となって設立されたフォーラムです。
U2A (Sensor Networks Research Society)
正式名称「センサーネットワーク研究会」のことで、 都市創生を目的としてセンサーネットワークを都市インフラのひとつとして整備し、活用を図るための具体的な方策を研究することを目的とした研究会組織です。特に今後、整備が進められる大阪駅北地区を代表とする都市創生エリアにおいて、新たな都市インフラとしての整備を視野に入れつつ、センサーネットワークに関連する事業を中心に活動を進めています。
みずほ銀行 東京中央支店
12 月 31 日
CyCraft Japan Corporation
CyCraft Technology
CyCraft Singapore Pte. Ltd.
7F Kishimoto Building, 2-chome-2-1 Marunochi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0005
6F., No. 3, Yuandong Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
Tainan Office:
Rm. 323, 3F., No. 6, Sec. 1, Guiren 13th Rd., Guiren Dist., Tainan City
3 Temasek Avenue #18-00, Centennial Tower, Singapore 039190
contact-sea@cycraft.comCyCraft has received ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification, an international standard for cybersecurity management, and has implemented a complete data storage and cybersecurity management process. CyCraft also employs strict management procedures to control access to data and account passwords. Your first and last line of security starts and ends with us.